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2.21.249 Inventaris van het archief van ir. C.J. Warners [levensjaren 1900], 1941-1980

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Inventaris van het archief van ir. C.J. Warners [levensjaren 1900], 1941-1980


J.A.A. Bervoets, G.P.H.M. Cransveld




Nationaal Archief, Den Haag
1986 cc0

Beschrijving van het archief

Naam archiefblok

Collectie 464 C.J. Warners


oudste stuk - jongste stuk: 1941-1980




466 inventarisnummer(s); 6,10 meter

Taal van het archiefmateriaal

Het merendeel der stukken is in het. Een deel is gesteld in het.

Soort archiefmateriaal

Normale geschreven, getypte en gedrukte documenten, geen bijzondere handschriften.


Nationaal Archief


Den Haag


Warners, Cornelis Jacobus (1900-1980)

Samenvatting van de inhoud van het archief

Het archief van C.J. Warners bestaat uit stukken die opgemaakt werden uit hoofde van de door hem uitgevoerde functies tijdens en kort na de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Te vinden zijn onder meer publicaties en persoverzichten van de Regerings Voorlichtingendienst in Batavia, stukken inzake de organisatie van inlichtingendiensten in bezet Nederland en Nederlands-Indië, studies inzake infiltratie van door Japan bezet Sumatra door geheim agenten, rapporten over de organisatie van radio-omroepen in Nederland en communicatiemogelijkheden in Nederlands-Indië, stukken met betrekking tot de psychologische oorlogsvoering, verslagen van vergaderingen van de voorlopige federale regering in Batavia, rapporten van internationale overlegorganen over de Indonesische kwestie, verslagen van besprekingen met de Indonesische autoriteiten en de Ronde Tafel Conferentie, militaire-, politieke en economische inlichtingenrapporten, stukken inzake het herstel van de infrastructuur in Nederlands-Indië en Nieuw-Guinea na de bevrijding, en teksten van toespraken gehouden door Warners.


Geschiedenis van de archiefvormer
Curriculum Vitae van ir C.J. Warners
1. Name: Ir WARNERS, Cornelis, Jacobus.
2. Born: Leersum (Holland) 20th August 1900.
3. Lower school, High school, engineer in private companies; telegraph- and telephone services. (1918-1922); Technical University (Oct. 1922-Sept. 1924) for mechanical and electrical engineer; Sept. 1924 degree (doctoral) as grad. electrical engineer (Ir).
4. Oct. 1924-Oct. 1925
military service (Royal-Field-Artillery), 2nd Lieutenant Royal Netherlands Army Reserve.
5. 1926-1936
Engineer P.T.T.-Services in Netherlands Indies (Chief of research-laboratories, planning and construction-department; chief of several exploitation-districts; representative for N.E.I. at conference Comité Consultatif International de Radio-Lisbon (1934).
Chief-Engineer, Head of Telephone Services.
Mission to Siam and Malaya.
1940- March 6th 1942
  • Chairman of Permanent Radio
  • Commission in N.E.I.
  • Chairman of Communications-
  • Commission of Council for State
  • Mobilisation
6. 1934-1941
Study for promotion to Doctor in Technical Sciences.
Object: Economic periodical phenomena".
Studies unfinished by war; papers, calculations, statistics etc. lost by Japanese invasion and looting.
7. Military ranks and functions. See 4.
  • 1927 1st Lieutenant Field Art. Royal Neth. Ind. A. Res.
  • 1938 1st Lieutenant "Engineers" Royal Neth. Ind. A. Res.
  • 1938 Captain "Engineers" Royal Neth. Ind. A. Res.
  • 1941 Lt. Colonel, in activa service G.H.Q. Bandoeng. In charge of Military Authority over P.T.T. and Radio-broadcast service and organizations
  • 1942 Liaison Off. C.i.C. Abdacom (Gen. Wavell)
  • 1943 Colonel (See 8)
  • 1947 Dismissed from active service; back to Reserve
8. 1942-1945
March 1942
Capitulation of the N.E.I. By order of the Governor General (Jhr.Tj. van Starkenborg Stachouwer) left Java, together with others (Under command of Lt. Governor General Dr. van Mook) to proceed to London to be at disposal of the Netherlands Government (in exile).
May 1942-May 1943
Counsellor-adviser of Dutch Prime Minister (Dr Gerbrandy) and Ministry of General Warfare. Main objects Broadcastpolicy in war; adviser Indonesian affairs; re-organization of (Dutch) Intelligence Services; reconstruction-planning for the return of Dutch Government to Holland.
May 1943-April 1944
As colonel attached to Netherlands Representative at Combined Chiefs of Staff C, Washington and liaison-officer at Office of Strategic Services (Major General Donovan) for planning and organization of Intelligence services to/from (occupied) N.E.I.
April 1944-Febr. 1945
Attached to Staff of C.I.C.S.E.A.C. (Adm. Mountbatten) as Chief of N.E.I.-Civil Affairs Section.
Main objects planning of Civil government for Sumatra, Banka, Billiton and Riouw Archipelago (political, finance, medical services, import of supplies, communications, roads- and bridge-repair, railways, harbours, shipping, police and administration); psychological warfare.
Febr. 1945
Delegate for N.E.I. at U.N.R.R.A.-conference at Lapstone (Australia).
March 1945
Appointed Director of the Department "Verkeer en Waterstaat" (traffic, communications, public utilities) of the N.E.I.-Government at Brisbane, under Lt. Governor General Dr van Mook. Temporary Director of Economic Affairs (4 months),
Main objects Technical supplies; rehabilitation of communications tin-mining, rehabilitation of oil-production, civil airtransport, motor-transport, harbours; construction of tugs and barges; purchase of war-surplus-material at Hollandia, Finchaven, Biak, Morotai.
9. 2 Oct. 1945
Arrival at Batavia. Director of the Department "Verkeer en Waterstaat". (Railway services, Civil Aviation and air-transport, harbours, roads and bridges, irrigation, power-supply, P.T.T.-services, Postsavingsbank, general import of technical supplies, mining, tin-exploitation, geology, coal-exploitation, meteorological and geophysical service, road-traffic, dredging, general reconstruction of towns and houses, planological service). All services had to be re-organized, re-equiped, re-financed, re-constructed.
10. March 1948
With the foundation of the Prae-federal-Government under Dr. van Mook some new departments were established and therefore a reshuffle of responsibilities and activities of the Civil Departments, the head of which became Secretary of State, took place.
March 1948
Appointed Secretary of State for "Verkeer, Energie en mijnwezen" (Traffic, Powersupply and Mining, i.e. combined railway-services, civil-aviation, harbours, power-supply, P.T.T.-services, Postsavingsbank, mining, tin-exploitation, geology, coal-exploitation, meteorological and geophysical service, motor-transport-service, roadtraffic, dredging, technical supplies).
27 December 1949
Transfer of Souvereignty of Indonesia from the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the Republic of the Federal States of Indonesia. Return to Holland.
11. From Oct. 1945-Dec. 1949 several functions were exercised:
  1. Chairman of Directorate Army, Navy, Civil Air-transport. (The Directorate consisted of Secretarfy of State for "Verkeer en Waterstaat" (Chairman), Commander in Chief Royal Netherlands Indies Army and Commander in Chief of Royal Navy. Its task was the coordination of available aircraft for transportation of men and supplies).
  2. Chairmand of Tin-Council for Indonesia. (The Tin-Council, members of which were the Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, for Finance, Director of Billiton-Cy, Head of Banka-Tin-exploitation, Head of Mining-division, had been established to deal with all questions regarding the reconstruction of tin-mines, the commercial policy and the preparation of future organization of tin-exploitation).
  3. Chairman of Board of Directors of the Foundation for exploitation and liquidation of Supply Bases. (The Board consisted of Secretary of State for "Verkeer en Waterstaat" (Chairman), Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, Secretary of State for Finance, Quarter Master-General, President of Java Bank and others. Its task was to organise the exploitation and maintenance of the supply-bases, purchased from American surplus-material in Hollandia, Biak, Morotai, Woendi, Australia; the distribution of the material; the financial arrangements and control and the final liquidation).
  4. Member of the Financial-Economic Council. (The Financial-Economic Council consisted of Secretary of State for Economic Affairs (Chairman), Finance, Justice, Social Affairs, Internal Affairs, "Verkeer en Waterstaat", Treasurer General. Its task was to advise the Government regarding all matters relating to financial-economy affairs (Banking, agriculture, rice-procurement, general economic and financial policy in budgetary affairs, foreign-currency-policy), foreign trade, rehabilitation of domestic industries, fishery, rubber, tea, coffee, etc.; foreign loans; Marshall-help.
  5. Member and vice-chairman of the Council for foreign-currency-control. (The Council for foreign-currency-control consisted of Secretary of State for Economic Affairs (Chairman), Finance, "Verkeer en Waterstaat" and President of Java's Bank. Its functions may be well-known (control of import and export and the allocation of foreign-currency for procurement of supply for the various activities, reconstruction, etc).
  6. Member of the Council for Sea-traffic and -transport. (The Council for Sea-traffic and -transport consisted of Secretary of State for Shipping (Chairman), Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, Secretary of State for "Verkeer en Waterstaat", Secretary of State for Finance, Commander in Chief Royal Navy. Its task was the coordination of all means and ships for internal sea-traffic and the reconstruction of inter-insular shipping lines).
  7. Member of the Council for Transmigration and Emigration. (The Council for Transmigration and Emigration consisted of Secretary of State for Social Affairs (Chairman), Economic Affairs, "Verkeer en Waterstaat", Internal Affairs, Justice, Shipping. Its task was to study all problems involved in transmigration and emigration of population from Java to other islands and to advise the Goverment).
  8. Member of the Council for Housing. (The Council for Housing consisted of Secretary of State for Social Affairs (Chairman), Commander in Chief Royal Netherlands Indies Army, Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, "Verkeer en Waterstaat", Reconstruction of Towns and Housing, Internal Affairs, Its task was to give directions tot the local housing-commissions for the allocation of houses, office-buildings, barracks, hotels, etc.).
  9. Member of the Council for Restitutions of Right. (The Council for Restitution of Right consisted of Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, Finance, "Verkeer en Waterstaat", Justice, President of Java's Bank President of High Court of Justice, Chairman of Council of Enterprisors, Treasurer General. The Counsil dealt with all juridical questions in connection with the restitution of Right and the restoration of legal relations after the war).
  10. Member of the Council for War-damage. (The Council for War-damage consisted of Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, Internal Affairs, "Verkeer en Waterstaat", Social Affairs, President Java's Bank. Its task was to investigate all claims for war-damage and to prepare a complete survey of the damage and to advise the Government regarding all matters of compensation of war-damage).
  11. Member of the Council for Reconstruction and Prosperity. (The Council for Reconstruction and Prosperity consisted of Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, Finance, "Verkeer en Waterstaat", Reconstruction, Internal Affairs, Social Affairs, Treasurer General. Its task was to advise the Government regarding all planning for Reconstruction and Prosperity, initiated by the different Departments, or by the Council itself).
  12. Member of the Budget-Commission. (The Budget-Commission, under Chairmanship of the Governer General and Membership of the Secretary of State for Finance, Economic Affairs, "Verkeer en Waterstaat" and Treasurer General, had to scrutinize the proposed budgets of all departments and to prepare the final budget-act.).
  13. Member of the advisory commission for monetary questions. (The advisory commission for monetary questions consisted of Secretary of State for Finance, Economic Affairs, "Verkeer en Waterstaat", President Java's Bank, Treasurer General, Director "Deviezen-Instituut", advised the Government about general monetary policy).
  14. Curator of the University of Indonesia and acting President-Curator.
  15. Chairman of the Curatorium of the Technical Faculty at Bandoeng.
  16. Member of the Coordination-Committee The Netherlands - N.E.I. (The Coordination-Committee consisted of the Dutch Ministers for Finance, Economic Affairs, Overseas Territories and the Neth. Indies Secretaries of State for Finance, Economic Affairs and "Verkeer en Waterstaat". The College had to deal with all matters regarding financial-economic relations between Holland and Netherlands Indies (monotary relations, loans, im- and export programs, transfer, industrial programs etc.).
12. Since May 1951
Director-General of the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute at De Bilt.
Permanent Representative for the Netherlands with W.M.O. (World Meteorological Organisation).
13. October 1965: ultimo 1970.
Adviseur Chef Staf civiele Verdediging.
(Ministerie van Algemene Zaken.
Other memberships and activities
  1. Member of the Utrecht Society of Arts and Sciences.
  2. Member of the Netherlands Geodetical Commission.
  3. Member of the Netherlands National Committee for the International Geophysical Year.
    1. The Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute is responsible for the activities of the Netherlands for the IGY regarding Meteorology, Oceanography, Seismology, Terestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Nuclear Radiation.
    2. The R.N.M.I. is responsible for the establishment and the observations of the stations for Terestrial Magnetism at Paramaribo (Neth. Suriname) and Hollandia (Neth. New Guinea).
    3. The Netherlands National Committee for the IGY in March 1955 submitted a proposal tot OSAGI, that measurements of nuclear radiation be taken up in the program during the Geophysical year 1957-1958. During the Brussels meeting 1955 of the SCAGI a study group was formed, which considered specific experiments in relation to the Netherlands proposal. Since the Brussels conference The World meteorological Organization has paid considerable attention to problems related to nuclear radiation. The OSAGI Western Hemisphere Conference in Rio de Janeiro adopted a resolution in favour of the Netherlands proposal. At Barcelona (sept. 1956) the measurement of nuclear radiation has been adopted as activity of the IGY and an interim committee was set up under chairmanship of Dr Bleeker (member of the Netherlands National Committee and Head of Scienctific Research of the R.N.M.I.) to arrange for the establishment of a network of stations and the standardisation of methode for observations and analysis of the nuclear radiation of air and precipitation.
  4. The Royal Netherlands meteorological Institute (R.N.M.I.), in close cooperation with the Medical Biological Laboratory of the Netherlands Defence Organization, in November 1954 started a program for routine-measurement of radioactivity of the atmosphere. Daily measurements during 24 hours are performed now at 4 stations in the Netherlands. The analyses of the nuclides in air and precipitation is done at the Med. Biol. Lab
  5. The R.N.M.I, on request of the Netherlands Civil Defence Organization made a report regarding the meteorological aspects related to the diffusion of radioactivity in case of atomic explosions.
  6. In a letter to the Editor (Prof. Rossby) of "Tellus" (1955,3) Ir C.J. Warners, Dir.Gen. of the R.N.M.I., published some of the results of preliminary experiments and made an appeal to scientists to embark on a program of continuous supervision of the radioactivity of the atmosphere also in other countries.
Geschiedenis van het archiefbeheer
Op 20 mei 1966 werden door de Sectie Krijgsgeschiedenis van de Staf van de Bevelhebber der Landstrijdkrachten vijf kisten met stukken overgenomen van de kolonel b.d. ir. C.J. WARNERS, op een daartoe door deze aan het hoofd van genoemde sectie gedaan voorstel. Het overgedragen materiaal was over het algemeen afkomstig uit de volgende perioden, waarin de schenker de daarachter vermelde functies vervulde:
  1. april 1942 - mei 1943: Raadadviseur bij het Ministerie van Algemene Oorlogvoering te Londen;
  2. mei 1943 - april 1944: Liaison - officier vanwege de Nederlandse vertegenwoordigers in het "Combined Chiefs of Staff Committee" bij het "U.S.A. Office of Strategic Services";
  3. april 1944 - februari 1945: Vertegenwoordiger van de Nederlandse Regering bij de "Supreme Commander South - East Asia Command" en belast met de Netherlands Indies Civil Affairs Section";
  4. februari 1945-oktober 1945: Directeur van Verkeer en Waterstaat, tevens waarnemend directeur van Economische Zaken bij de Nederlands-Indische Regering te Brisbane;
  5. oktober 1945-februari 1948: Directeur van Verkeer en Waterstaat te Batavia;
  6. februari 1948-27 december 1949: Secretaris van Staat, Hoofd Departement Verkeer, Energie en Mijnwezen van de Voorlopige Federale Regering in Batavia.
Bedoeld materiaal werd bij de souvereiniteits-overdracht naar Nederland verscheept.
De verwerving van het archief
Het archief is door schenking verworven.

Inhoud en structuur van het archief

Ordening van het archief
Het ordenen van de stukken leverde enige moeilijkheden op.
Hoewel hier en daar een aanduiding was te onderkennen met betrekking tot een bepaalde systematiek in de oorspronkelijke wijze van opberging, waren de indicaties toch zo incidenteel, dat reconstructie van de vroegere ordening zeer moeilijk, zo niet onmogelijk werd.
Dit werd mede veroorzaakt door de veelal fragmentarische en heterogene samenstelling van de verzameling.
De hiervoren bedoelde beperkte indicaties met betrekking tot de originele ordening wezen op een rubrieksgewijze bewaring.
Gezien het voorgaande moest derhalve worden afgezien van een ordening volgens het "herkomstbeginsel" ("respect des fonds").
Besloten werd dan ook het materiaal te splitsen in rubrieken en series. Iedere rubriek en serie werd vervolgens zoveel mogelijk in chronologische volgorde geplaatst. Zo vindt men in de inventaris de rubrieken met betrekking tot de gehouden conferenties en besprekingen gerangschikt volgens de data waarop deze plaatsvonden.
Daar echter verschillende gebeurtenissen in de tijd gedeeltelijk of geheel samenvielen is een duidelijke chronologische afbakening bij het plaatsen in de inventaris niet altijd mogelijk gebleken.
In de rubrieken en in de series werden de stukken in volgorde van data opgeborgen. Indien een dagtekening tussen haakjes is geplaatst betekent zulks, dat de datering bij benadering uit de inhoud van het stuk is beredeneerd.
De groepen welke ontstaan bij het splitsen naar de inhoud (rubriekensysteem), kunnen verdeeld worden in stukken van algemene aard (generalia), stukken met een duidelijk te bepalen gelijksoortige inhoud (specialia) en een aantal stukken die niet kunnen worden ondergebracht bij een der voorgaande groepen (miscellanea). Bij het samenstellen van de inventaris werd gestreefd naar een goed te onderscheiden indeling volgens voorgaand principe.
Toch zal men in de rubrieken "Algemeen" en "Diversen" nog wel stukken aantreffen, die misschien in de "specialia" dienden te worden geplaatst. Echter om doelmatigheidsredenen werd in die gevallen afgezien van een waarschijnlijk langdurig onderzoek naar de eventueel betere plaats van het betreffende stuk.

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Nationaal Archief, Den Haag, Collectie 464 C.J. Warners, nummer toegang 2.21.249, inventarisnummer ...
NL-HaNA, Warners, 2.21.249, ...

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Lijst van afkortingen
Australian Broadcasting Company
Assistant Chief of Staff
Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff
Anglo-Dutch Country Section
Anti-Facist People's Freedom League
Allied Forces Netherlands East Indies
Australia - Indonesia Association
Allied Intelligence Bureau
Allied Land Forces South-East Asia
Allied Land Headquarters
Allied Military Administration Civil Affaifs Branch
Australian Military Forces
Algemeen Nieuws- en Telegraaf-Agentschap
Algemeen Nederlands Persbureau
Algemene Oorlogvoering van het Koninkrijk
Associated Press
Allied Prisoners of War and Internees
Bevelhebber der Zeestrijdkrachten
Badan Keamanan Rakjat (orgaan van de veiligheid van het volk)
Bevelhebber der Nederlandse Strijdkrachten
Binnenlandse Strijdkrachten
Bevelhebber der Strijdkrachten in het Oosten
Chief Commanding Officer NICA
Commander Combined Chiefs of Staff
Combined Chiefs of Staff
C in C
Commander in Chief
Colonial Infantry Division
Chief of the Imperial General Staff
Commissie voor Overname van Personeel
Chief of Staff
Commanding Officer NICA
Chief Staff Officer NICA
Chief Political Adviser
Curaçaosche Petroleum Industrie-Maatschappij
Christelijke Staatkundige Partij
Commandant Zeemacht
D of I
Director of Intelligence
DD of I(A)
Deputy Director of Intelligence (Air)
D of P(N)
Director of Plans (Navy)
Dutch Naval Liaison Officer
Deputy Principal Administrative Officer
Dienst van Volksgezondheid
Departement van Oorlog
Expeditionaire Macht
Economische Zaken
Greater East Asia
General Headquarters
Gouvernements Indisch Arts
General Staff Officer
Indo-Europees Verbond
Joint Chiefs of Staff (Amerikaans)
Joint Planning Staff
Kantoor Displaced Persons
KMR vsd
Koninklijke Marine Reserve voor speciale diensten
Kuo Min Tang
L of C
Line of Communications
Landing Craft, Infantry
Landing Craft, Tank
Land Headquarters
Lichte Infanterie Bataljons
Leger Organisatie Centrum
Landing Ship , Infantry
Landing Ship, Tank
Luitenant-Gouverneur Generaal
Marine-Commandant Australië
Militair Gezag
Madjelis Islam A'Laa Indonesia
Militaire Inlichtingen-Dienst
Military Transport
Nederlands-Indische regering
Netherlands Forces Intelligence Service
Netherlands Fast Indies Transport Service
Nederlands-Indisch Courant
Netherlands Indies Civil Administration
Nederlands-Indische Gouvernements Im- en Export Organisatie
Netherlands Indies Government Information Service
Nederlands-Indische Radio Omroep-Maatschappij
Nederlands-Indisch Rubberfonds
Oost-Aziatische Zaken
Onderbevelhebber der Strijdkrachten in het Oosten
O en E
Onderwijs en Eredienst
Office of War Information (Amerikaans)
Opleidingsschool Voor Inlandse Ambtenaren
Partai Indonesia Raja (Partij Groot-Indonesië)
Pembala Tanah Aer (Verdedigers van het Vaderland)
Philips Omroep Holland-Indië
Perhimpoenan Indonesia (Indonesische Vereniging)
Politieke Inlichtingen-Dienst
Pendjagaan Keamanen Oemoem (Bewakingsdienst)
Partai Nasional Indonesia (Indonesische Nationale Partij)
Poesat Tenaga Rakjat (centrum van Volkskracht)
Prisoners of War
Pemoeda Raja Indonesia (Indonesische jeugd)
Perserikatan Rakjat Indonesia (Indonesisch Volksverbond)
Partai Selebes Selatan (Partij Zuid-Celebes)
Prisoners of War and Internees
Recovery of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees
Royal Netherlands Indies Army
Roekoen Palajaran Indonesia (Verbond van Indonesische zeelieden)
Regeling van Staat van oorlog en van Beleg
Regeringsvertegenwoordigers bij Combined Chiefs of Staff
Supreme Allied Commander
Supreme Allied Commander South-East Asia
South-East Asia Command
Supreme Headquartres of the Allied Expeditionary Forces
Staat van oorlog en van Beleg
Senior Officer East Indies Fleet
Staff Officer NICA
S of S
Secretary of State
United Maritime Authority
United Nations RAPWI
Vaderlandse Club
Victory of Japan Day
V en W
Verkeer en Waterstaat
War Shipping Administration
