
Japanse interneringskaarten, Surname: Sol (ソウル)

Surname Sol (ソウル)
Given names Leendert Nicolaas (レイントロット ニクスルラース)
Date of birth 1910-12-28
Nationality Netherlands (蘭)
Rank (現 (現役) 砲兵 一等兵)
Stamboeknr 89624
Place of capture 爪哇; Java
Date of capture 17/03/08; 1942/03/08
Occupation (軍人)
Place of origin (n/a)
Destination report (n/a)
Remarks 89536
Camp and transfer date 1 爪哇 17/08/15[03/08]; Java POW Camp 1942/08/15[03/08]
Camp and transfer date 2 善通寺; Zentsuji POW Camp
Camp and transfer date 3 広島; Hiroshima POW Camp
Camp Branch Name and Reg No. 1 爪I (ジャワ俘虜収容所第1分所)20203; No.1 Branch Camp of Java POW Camp 20203
Camp Branch Name and Reg No. 2 善III (善通寺俘虜収容所第3分所)176; No.3 Branch Camp of Zentsuji POW Camp 176
Camp Branch Name and Reg No. 3 広II (広島俘虜収容所第2分所)1519; No.2 Branch Camp of Hiroshima POW Camp 1519
Other info 1 Transferred to No.3 Branch Camp of Zentsuji POW Camp on 22 April 1943; Transferred to Hiroshima POW Camp on 13 April 1945; Died of acute colitis at 03:30 PM on 4 July 1944. Cremation; Fell ill on 26 June 1944; Below was extracted from camp card; Transferred to mainland Japan on 24 April 1943; Interned in No.13 Branch Camp of Fukuoka POW Camp on 25 April 1943; Transferred and interned in No.3 Branch Camp of Zentsuji POW Camp by change of the formation on 20 July 1943; Place of death: No.3 Branch Camp of Zentsuji POW Camp at Isoura, Niihama -shi(city), Ehime-ken(prefecture); Place ashes are kept: Sakura-no-Bochi Cemetery, Niihama-shi(city) (JA298); His ashes were handed over to D.A.Captain TIELENIUS, Kurithof at No.2 Branch Camp of Hiroshima POW Camp at Isoura, Niihama-shi(city), Ehime-ken (Prefecture) on 13 September 1945; (昭和18年4月22日善通寺俘虜収容所第3分所へ移管す; 昭和20年4月13日広島俘虜収容所へ移管す; 昭和19年7月4日午後3時30分急性大腸炎にて死亡す 火葬; 昭和19年6月26日発病; 以下は収容所カードより抜粋記入せるものなり; 昭和18年4月24日内地へ移管; 昭和18年4月25日福岡俘虜収容所第13分所収容; 昭和18年7月20日編成改正に依り善通寺俘虜収容所に移管、同第3分所に収容; 死亡場所:愛媛県新居浜市磯浦善通寺俘虜収容所第3分所; 遺骨所在地:新居浜市桜の墓地 (JA298); 昭和20年9月13日愛媛県新居浜市磯浦広島第2分所にてD.A.Captain TIELENIUS, Korithofに引き渡す; )
Other info 3 山下 (印); Yamashita (Seal)
Serial Number 整理番号 714
Center Top Red Letters 広 2分所: No.2 Branch Camp of Hiroshima POW Camp
Translator notes (Translator's note) No.13 Branch Camp of Fukuoka POW Camp, No.3 Branch Camp of Zentsuji POW Camp and No.2 Branch Camp of Hiroshima POW Camp were same camp at Isoura, Niihama City, Ehime Prefecture. This camp was often renamed by change the formation.

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