
Japanse interneringskaarten, Surname: Kruger (キリクル)

Surname Kruger (キリクル)
Given names August Ernst (オゥキス エルンステ)
Date of birth 1913-06-24
Nationality Netherlands (蘭)
Rank Mil.sold.2e kl. inf. nr.16013 Sebijver (歩兵 二等兵)
Stamboeknr 16013
Place of capture 爪哇; Java
Date of capture 17/03/08; 1942/03/08
Occupation farmer (農園人)
Place of origin (n/a)
Destination report (n/a)
Remarks Pen: 85321
Camp and transfer date 1 爪哇 17/[06/14] 08/15; Java POW Camp 1942/[06/14] 08/15
Camp and transfer date 2 福岡 18/12/04; Fukuoka POW Camp 1943/12/04
Camp Branch Name and Reg No. 1 爪I(ジャワ俘虜収容所第1分所)12095; No.2 Branch Camp of Java POW Camp 12095
Camp Branch Name and Reg No. 2 福III (福岡俘虜収容所第3分所)3755; No.3 Branch Camp of Fukuoka POW Camp 3755
Other info 1 Dispatched to Independent Detached Camp of Main Camp on 25 July 1943; Transferred to No.3 Branch Camp of Fukuoka POW Camp on 4 December 1943; [Died of acute bronchitis and malnutrition on 28 December 1944]; Died of acute bronchitis and malnutrition at 16:00 on 28 December 1944 (cremation); Fell ill on 16 December 1944; Place of death: No.3 Branch Camp of Fukuoka POW Camp; Place ashes are kept: [Sarakura cemetery, Maeda, Yahata-shi (city), Fukuoka-ken (prefecture)] at the POW Camp(JA198); His ashes were handed over to Major U.S.A Dorris Winnifred. O. at No.3 Branch Camp in Kokura-shi (city), Fukuoka-ken (prefecture) on 16 September 1945; (昭和18年7月25日本所独立分遣所へ分遣; 昭和18年12月4日福岡俘虜収容所第III分所へ移管す; [昭和19年12月28日急性気管支炎兼栄養失調症-死亡]; 昭和19年12月28日16時 急性気管支炎兼栄養失調症にて死亡す(火); 昭和19年12月16日発病; 死亡場所:福岡俘虜収容所第3分所; 遺骨所在地:[八幡市前田皿倉墓地]収容所内(JA298) 昭和20年9月16日福岡県小倉市 福岡第3分所に於てMajor U.S.A Dorris Winnifred. O. に引渡す; 済;)
Other info 3 54, 105; 山下印; Yamashita (seal), 真崎印; Masaki (seal)
Serial Number 整理番号429
Center Top Red Letters 3分所; No.3 Branch Camp

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