
Japanse interneringskaarten, Surname: Gruyter (デ フラウター)

Surname Gruyter (デ フラウター)
Given names Boudewijn (ボートヴエーン)
Infix de
Date of birth 1914-08-24
Nationality Netherlands, Father mixed blood, Mother Indonesia (蘭 父混血 母インドネシア; )
Rank (陸軍 兵)
Stamboeknr No.140814
Place of capture アチエ州コタチヤネ; Kutacane, Aceh province
Date of capture 17/03/30; 1942/03/30
Occupation n/a (栽培者; planter)
Place of origin Pangkalan Brandan (n/a)
Destination report (n/a)
Remarks n/a
Camp and transfer date 1 馬来 17/08/21; Malay POW Camp 1942/08/21
Camp Branch Name and Reg No. 1 馬I (マレイ俘虜収容所第1分所) 832; No.1 Branch Camp of Malay POW Camp 832
Other info 1 the transport ship Harugiku-Maru was attacked off east coast of Sumatra at 13:55 on 26 June 1944 and he went missing Harugiku-Maru; KA21; Location of incident: 8°15′N 99°47′E. 144º, 6 miles off South Brothers Island; Harugiku maru; (19.6.26 スマトラ東岸沖にて船舶遭難により行方不明; 13時55分 治菊丸; KA21; 遭難位置 N8°15′ E99° 47′ サウスブラザース島144度6哩; Harugiku maru;)

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