
Japanse interneringskaarten, Surname: Capellen (カープレン ワン)

Surname Capellen (カープレン ワン)
Given names Louis (ロウイス)
Infix van
Date of birth 1892-04-21
Nationality Netherlands (蘭)
Rank (航空 陸軍 軍曹)
Stamboeknr 68115
Place of capture 爪哇; Java
Date of capture 17/03/08; 1942/03/08
Occupation n/a (n/a)
Father's name n/a
Mother's name n/a
Place of origin (n/a)
Destination report (n/a)
Remarks pen; 89489
Camp and transfer date 1 爪哇 17/08/15; Thai POW Camp 1942/08/15
Camp and transfer date 2 大阪; Osaka POW Camp
Camp Branch Name and Reg No. 1 爪III (ジャワ俘虜収容所第3分所) 3998[3055]; No.3 Branch Camp of Java POW Camp 3998[3055]
Camp Branch Name and Reg No. 2 大阪VII (大阪俘虜収容所第7分所) 7617[3593]; No.7 Branch Camp of Osaka POW Camp 7617[3593]
Other info 1 Transferred to Osaka POW Camp on 8 December 1942; Died from pressure by cave-in accident at 11:20 on 12 January 1943 at Kamioka dispatched Camp of Osaka POW Camp; Place of death; 1464 Wasao, Asofu village, Yoshiki county, Gifu prefecture (Cremation); Place ashes were kept: Jugan-ji temple at Tani-machi, minami-ward, Osaka City;(JA298); His ashes were handed over to QM. Corps. 1st Lt. GUYMEN Clarence. B. U.S.A.1st Division for Osaka occupation forces at Juganji-temple on 20 October 1945; (昭和17年12月8日大阪俘虜収容所へ移管; 昭和18年1月12日11時20分落盤ノ為圧死ス(於大阪俘虜収容所神岡分所); 昭和18年1月12日 Death from pressure; 死亡場所:岐阜県吉城郡阿蘇布村大字和佐保1464(火); 遺骨所在地:大阪市南区谷町重願寺(JA298); 昭和20年10月20日重願寺ニ於テ大阪進駐米第1師団QM. Corps.1st Lt.GUYMEN Clarence.B.ニ引渡ス;)
Other info 3 山下印; Yamashita (seal), 真崎印; Masaki (seal), 不慮死; Killed in accident,
Serial Number 整理番号140; Serial number 140
Center Top Red Letters 7分所; No.7

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