
Japanse interneringskaarten, Surname: Bruns (ブルンズ)

Surname Bruns (ブルンズ)
Given names Hendrik (ヘンデリック)
Date of birth 1901-05-25
Nationality Netherlands (蘭)
Rank (工兵 二等 曹長)
Stamboeknr 79825
Place of capture 爪哇; Batoedjadjar Mura, Pinaki, Bandoeng Ken;
Date of capture 17/03/08; 1942/03/08
Occupation n/a (n/a)
Place of origin Ombarawa (Java) (n/a)
Destination report (n/a)
Remarks n/a
Camp and transfer date 1 爪哇 17/08/15[04/14]; Java POW Camp 1942/08/15[04/14]
Camp and transfer date 2 東京; Tokyo POW Camp
Camp Branch Name and Reg No. 1 爪I(ジャワ俘虜収容所第1分所)7000; No.1 Branch camp of Java POW Camp 7000
Camp Branch Name and Reg No. 2 東VIII派(東京俘虜収容所第8派遣所)3013; No.8 Dispatched Camp of Tokyo POW Camp 3013
Camp Branch Name and Reg No. 3 東IX派(東京俘虜収容所第9分所); No.9 Branch Camp of Tokyo POW Camp
Other info 1 Transferred to No.8 Dispatched Camp of Tokyo POW Camp on 17 November 1943; Died of catarrh pneumonia at 16:10 on 18 March 1944 (Cremation); Fell ill on 17 December 1943; Place of death: No.8 Dispatched Camp of Tokyo POW Camp at 2765 Ashio-machi, Kamitsuga-county, Tochigi-prefecture; Place ashes are kept: No.8 Dispatched Camp of Tokyo POW Camp; His ashes were handed over to Lt. BRYAN, James of the Quartermaster Corps of the US 8th Army at Main Camp of Tokyo POW Camp on 10 September 1945; End; (昭和18年11月17日 東京収容所へ移管す 第八派遣所; 昭和19年3月18日 カタール性肺炎にて死亡(火)午後4時10分; 昭和18年12月17日 発病; 死亡場所:栃木県上都賀郡足尾町2765番地東京俘虜収容所第8派遣所; 遺骨所在地:東京俘虜収容所第8派遣所; 昭和20年9月10日 東京俘虜収容所本所に於いて米第8軍給与部Lt. BRYAN, Jamesに引き渡す; 済;)
Serial Number 整理番号123; Serial number 123
Center Top Red Letters 9分所; No.9 Dispatched Camp

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