
Japanse interneringskaarten, Surname: Berkholst (ベルクホルスト)

Surname Berkholst (ベルクホルスト)
Given names Ch H (カルレス ヘンリ)
Date of birth 1918-06-15
Nationality Netherlands (蘭)
Rank (陸軍 二等兵)
Stamboeknr 30218
Place of capture ジャワ; Java
Date of capture 17/03/10; 1942/03/10
Occupation n/a (茶園使用人; Employee of tea yard)
Place of origin (n/a)
Destination report (n/a)
Remarks n/a
Camp and transfer date 1 爪哇 17/08/15; Java POW Camp 1942/08/15
Camp and transfer date 2 泰; Thai POW Camp
Camp Branch Name and Reg No. 1 爪VI(ジャワ俘虜収容所第6分所) 8105; No.6 Branch Camp of Java POW Camp 8105
Camp Branch Name and Reg No. 2 (タイ俘虜収容所)8769; Thai POW Camp 8769
Camp Branch Name and Reg No. 3 (タイ俘虜収容所)20400; Thai POW Camp 20400
Other info 1 Transferred to No.6 Branch Camp of Thai POW Camp from Java POW Camp on 14 January; On the way to Rin Tin from Kinsaiyok, he was missing (escape) on 18 February 1943; When he called at Kuye Village where was 4 kilometers above from Rin Tin Detached Camp along the river on 25 March 1943, the chief of the village notified us immediately and he was captured and brought to Rin Tin Detached Camp. While he was brought to the field for being inspected about his escape route, he escaped again. We chased and shot him to death unwillingly; (爪哇俘虜収容所より1月14日泰俘虜収容所第6分所に転属; 昭和18年2月18日キンサイヨークよりリンテンに移送中、行方不明となる(逃走); 昭和18年3月25日リンテン分遣所河上約4キロ地点部落クイエ村に立ち寄りたるところ、同村長の急報により同村に急行逮捕、リンテン分遣所に連行し、尋問せしが逃亡。経路不明瞭の為、実地検証に連行中、再度逃走せし為、不得己追跡射殺せり;)
Other info 2 Died. 27 March 1943. Recorded in the Monthly Report, April (死亡。昭和18年3月27日。4月分月報記載)
Other info 3 3/25 射殺 (25 march. Shot to death)

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