
Japanse interneringskaarten, Surname: Berg (ファン デ ベルフ)

Surname Berg (ファン デ ベルフ)
Given names Willem (ウィレム)
Infix van den
Date of birth 1903-05-20
Nationality Netherlands (蘭)
Rank (現 空 兵)
Stamboeknr 85383
Place of capture 爪哇; Java
Date of capture 17/03/09; 1942/03/09
Occupation n/a (n/a)
Place of origin (n/a)
Destination report (n/a)
Remarks pen 82159
Camp and transfer date 1 爪哇 17/08/15; Java POW Camp 1942/08/15
Camp Branch Name and Reg No. 1 爪II (ジャワ俘虜収容所第2分所)1457; No.2 Branch Camp of Java POW Camp 1457
Camp Branch Name and Reg No. 2 爪本(ジャワ俘虜収容所本所)15974, Main Camp of Java POW Camp 15974
Camp Branch Name and Reg No. 3 III(ジャワ俘虜収容所第3分所)11473; No.III Branch camp of Java POW Camp 11473
Other info 1 Died from cirrhosis of the liver on at 9:00 on 17 October 1944; Died on 18 October 1944 (JA.138 P.2019) (Haruyoshi Maru); Fell ill on 30 May 1944; Place of death: On the ship. 119°19'E, S5°5′S; Disposal of remains: Burial at sea(JA200); Haruyoshi Maru; (昭和19年10月17日肝臓硬変症にて死亡す(水)9時; 昭和19年10月18日死亡(JA.138 P.2019); 昭和19年5月30日発病(治吉丸); 死亡場所:船内。E119°19' S5°5' ; 屍体処理:水葬 (JA200) Haruyoshi Maru; )

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