
Japanse interneringskaarten, Surname: Beck (ベック)

Surname Beck (ベック)
Given names Albert (アルベルト)
Date of birth 1910-05-03
Nationality Netherlands (蘭)
Rank (陸軍 曹長)
Stamboeknr 18010
Place of capture ジャワ; Java
Date of capture 17/03/10; 1942/03/10
Occupation (農林監督人)
Mother's name n/a
Place of origin (n/a)
Destination report (n/a)
Remarks Died 19.4.45 at 185.8 (Kuie) Malaria
Camp and transfer date 1 爪哇 17/08/15; Java POW Camp 1942/08/15
Camp and transfer date 2 泰; Thai POW Camp
Camp Branch Name and Reg No. 1 爪III(ジャワ俘虜収容所第3分所) 3936 [2994]; No.3 Branch Camp of Java POW Camp 3936 [2994]
Camp Branch Name and Reg No. 2 泰I(タイ俘虜収容所第1分所) 9040; No.1 Branch Camp of Thai POW Camp 9040
Camp Branch Name and Reg No. 3 II(タイ俘虜収容所第2分所) 20102[17926]; No.2 Branch Camp of Thai POW Camp 20102[17926]
Other info 1 Transferred to No.6 Branch Camp of Thai POW Camp on 20 January 1943; Transferred to No.1 Branch Camp of Thai POW Camp on 25 November 1943; Transferred to No.2 Branch Camp of Thai POW Camp on 2 February 1945; Annexed from No.1 Branch Camp on 15 February 1945; Died of Malaria at 04:00 on 19 April 1945 in Terasawa Party, Kuye Village (185.5 kilometers point from the starting point of Thai-Burma Railway), Thailand. (Kuye Cemetery, No.20 of Row J ) ; (昭和18年1月20日泰俘虜収容所第6分所に転属; 昭和18年11月25日泰俘虜収容所第1分所に移管; 昭和20年2月2日泰俘虜収容所第2分所に移管; 昭和20年2月15日1分所より接収す; 昭和20年4月19日4時00分泰国クイエ村(泰緬鉄道起点185.8キロ地点)寺澤隊に於いてマラリアにより病死す(クイエ墓地 J列20番);)
Other info 3 26, Ku; 11-58; 死亡 20.4.19; Died on 19 April 1945

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